3 Simple Art & Crafts Your Child Can Do At Home!


Arts and Crafts are a great way to keep children entertained. Besides keeping them engaged on their art projects, they are exercising their creativities and learning how to think outside the box. At the same time, they are building their fine motor skills and bilateral coordination.

Each time they complete a project, they will feel a sense of accomplishment and this will give them the encouragement and confidence to start a new and slightly more difficult project in the future.

We will share with you 3 simple arts and crafts projects you can do with your child that only need less than 5 items/ingredients.

1. Homemade Play Dough

- 1/2 cup cornstarch
- 1 cup baking soda
- 3/4 cup water
- optional 2-3 drops of essential oil
- optional food colouring

1. Mix the cornstarch, baking soda, water and stir in a saucepan.
2. Place your saucepan on the stove top and turn your heat to medium.
3. Continue stirring the mix constantly. It will start to bubble slightly and that’s when it happens really fast. It will begin to turn solid. Once a ball starts to form (4-5 minutes) take your pan off the heat.
4. Place your dough onto a piece of parchment paper or a silicone mat. Let it cool.
5. Once your dough is cool you have the option of adding in a food colouring or a scent. And it is done!

2. Cotton Ball and Popsicle Stick Rainbow 

Image via Krafty Kids NJ/Instagram

Children love eye-catching stuffs and nothing can be more eye-catching than this! Just some coloured popsicle sticks, paper, cottonballs and glue and you are ready to make this cute project for preschoolers. Visit Krafty Kids NJ's instagram page here for more information on how you can create this.

3. Colouring Pages

A simple paper and colour pencils can turn into hours of fun for your child. Unleash their creative side by letting them colour to their hearts' content. Get the colouring pages or bookmarks from I.A. Designs here.

Arts and Crafts projects don't have to be complicated. With less than 5 ingredients/items you have create hours of fun and memorable times for your child!

This blog post is a collaboration between Crayons N Neurons and I.A. Designs.

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